The Sanctuary story arc involves a Japanese youth, named Seiya, tasked with obtaining the 'Pegasus Bronze Cloth' from Greece's Sanctuary. The series was produced by Toei Animation and was directed by Kozo Morishita and then by Kazuhito Kikuchi (during the 'Asgard' and 'Poseidon' story arcs later on). Saint Seiya is a episode anime adaptation which closely follows the manga (Japanese comic book) of the same name across the span of over 100 episodes and three major story arcs Sanctuary, Asgard (only told within the anime), and Poseidon. In most English-speaking countries, Saint Seiya Omega is available in English-subtitled format through Crunchyroll. ADV Films licensed the home video rights to the series and released the DIC-dubbed episodes. Stream anime videos including Naruto Shippuden, Attack on Titan, Sword Art Online, and many others for free! Saint Seiya also known as Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac or simply Knights of the Zodiac. Dubbed Anime is an anime streaming video site where you can watch anime in English Dubbed & Subbed.